
منظومه علی نامه، نخستین منظومه حماسی شیعه که در سال های اخیر کشف و معرفی شده است دریچه های تازه ای را در پژوهش های ادبی حوزه حماسه دینی بر روی پژوهشگران گشود. خاوران نامه نیز یکی دیگر از آثار مهم حماسه دینی در ادبیات فارسی است. در این پژوهش، سعی شده است این دو اثر منظوم ازلحاظ زبانی بررسی و مقایسه تطبیقی شوند. روش تحقیق در این پژوهش، توصیفی تحلیلی و به شیوه کتابخانه ای است. محدوده و جامعه مورد مطالعه، علی نامه ربیع به تصحیح رضا بیات و ابوالفضل غلامی و خاوران نامه ابن حسام خوسفی است که به دلیل چاپ نشدن منظومه کامل آن، از تازیان نامه (خلاصه خاوران نامه) به تصحیح حمیدالله مرادی استفاده شد. نتایج این بررسی نشان داد که هر دو منظومه در سطح زبانی، در زمینه انتخاب واژه ها اشکالات مختصری دارند؛ ولی تنوع زبانی و ترکیب سازی در خاوران نامه بیشتر بود. بسامد زیاد کلمات عربی، ترکیب سازی، عبارات تکراری نیز از ویژگی های مشترک دو منظومه بود. در سطح آوایی هم، در هر دو منظومه ایرادات مختصری در زمینه قافیه و وزن دیده شد. ویژگی های سبک خراسانی هم در علی نامه بیشتر از خاوران نامه بود. در سطح نحوی هم هر دو منظومه، هنجار گریزی های مختصری داشتند.

Analyzing the linguistic characteristics of Alinameh Rabi and Khavarannameh of Ebn Hosam Khosfi

  Introduction"Alinameh" is an epic-historical poem which is undoubtedly the most valuable epic-historical poem in the Persian language after Ferdowsi's epic. This epic, in addition to its literary and artistic values, has unique historical and religious value, And it can be said that it is the only surviving Shie epic from previous centuries. Khavarannameh is also a literary work that was written in 830AH and its author was Ebn Hosam Khosfi from Ghahestan, Khorasan. And he has composed his poem in Bahre Motaghareb and with the weight of Shahnameh. The subject of Khavarannameh is the wars of Ali Ebn Abi Taleb (a.s.) in the land of Khavaran with Malek Ashtar and Ghobad, the king of the East and TahmasabShah. According to Ebn Hosam, this poem was compiled from an Arabic book- this poem is also called Taziannameh. Considering that these two works were written in two different times and with separate motivations, and considering the literary and artistic value of both works, the comparative study of these two epic-religious systems from different perspectives can be important. In this research, the linguistic level of two systems has been studied.  Research MethodologyThe research method in this study is descriptive-analytical and library-style. The studied community is Alinameh Rabi edited by Reza Bayat and Abolfazl Gholami and Khavarannameh by Ebn Hossam Khosfi, which, due to the lack of publication of its complete poem, was used from Taziannameh (summary of Khavarannameh) edited by Hamidollah Moradi.  DiscussThese two systems will be examined at three levels: linguistic, phonetic and syntactic (grammatical). In the examination of the language features - this level, which itself includes three parts, word, phonetic and syntactic - has examined the simplicity, root, type, subject and various combinations of words in Alinameh and Khavarannameh, and examples have been mentioned for each of them. In examining the phonetic features among the large number of verses of two epopees, sometimes we come across a few verses that have flaws in terms of rhyme. To correct the rhythm of the verses, sometimes it is necessary to change the pronunciation of the words, read an extra letter or reduce the letters. Examples of these cases are mentioned in this section; and in examining the structural features to such things as saturated letter, prayer letter; The method of counting numbers has been discussed.  ConclusionThe results of this study showed that both systems have slight problems at the linguistic level in terms of choosing words; But linguistic variety and composition were more in Khavarannameh. The high frequency of Arabic words, compounding, and repeated phrases were common features of the two opopees. At the phonetic level, in both opopees, there were slight defects in terms of rhyme and weight. The features of Khorasani style were more in Alinameh than in Khavarannameh. At the syntactic level, both systems had slight deviations from norms.  
