
هناک تناسق بین العلم و القرآن طالما وجدناه على مرّ العصور و من خلال هذا الاتفاق فی ما بینهما یثبت القرآن اعجازه للبشریه کافه و اوجه اعجازه الجانب العلمی و اللغوی و یتضح ذلک فی الاصوات التی ذکرت فی القرآن و کما بیّن العلم لنا أنّ للاصوات طاقات و امواج و ذبذبات تسبب الارتعاش و کما لها قوه لم یتجاهلها القرآن و و قد ذکر فی مواضع کثیره تقسیماتا دقیقه تلفت النظر على الامعان بها ، نسعی فی هذا المقال أن نطبق بین العلم و اللغه و أن نقوم بدارسه المواضیع العلمیّه التی أشار الیها الدکتور علی منصور الکیالی فی کتابه" القرآن علم و بیان "و تطبیقها مع اللغه حسب اراء اللغویین حول هذه الاسماء ، و جهدنا أن نقوم بإیضاح عن الصوت بصوره عامه و الصوت عند الانسان و جهاز النطق و السمع لدیه لأنّ شده الاصوات لدى الانسان یربطها التناسق السمعی و کیفیه مرور هذه الاصوات من خلالها. و قد ذکر القرآن الکریم مفردات کالرِّکز و الهَمسِ و النّجوى و الصّیحَه و الرَّجفَه و الصّاخّه و لکل منها طاقتها و قدرتها و مستواها و هذا الاکمال بین العلم و اللغه یثبته القرآن بجداره و ذکر کل کلمه بمکانها حسب قدرتها و طاقتها التی توجدها لدى السمع.

Vocabulary of the Holy Quran between science and language

There is consistency between science and the Qur’an as long as we found it throughout the ages, and through this agreement between them, the Qur’an proves its miraculousness to all mankind, and its miraculous aspects are scientific and linguistic, and this is evident in the sounds mentioned in the Qur’an, and as science has shown us that sounds have energies and waves And vibrations that cause trembling, and they also have a power that the Qur’an did not ignore, and it mentioned in many places precise divisions that draw attention to them, we seek in this article to apply between science and language and to study the scientific topics that Dr. His book “The Qur’an is Knowledge and Explanation” and its application with the language according to the opinions of linguists about these names, and we tried to make an explanation about the sound in general, and the sound in humans and their speech and hearing apparatus, because the intensity of sounds in humans is linked by auditory consistency and how these sounds pass through Through it. The Noble Qur’an has mentioned vocabulary such as focus, whispering, imploring, shouting, shiver, and shrieking, and each of them has its own energy, ability, and level.
