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کشورهای جهان با توجه به درک موقعیت خود و منافع ملی که از قبل برای خود تعیین کرده اند و با توجه به ارزیابی عملکرد دیگر قدرت های منطقه ای و فرامنطقه ای اقداماتی انجام می دهند و نقش سیاسی و بین المللی ایفا می کنند. سوریه به عنوان همسایه جنوبی ترکیه از دیر باز جزو مناطق مهم و حیاتی برای این کشور محسوب می شده است، موضوعی که اهمیت خود را در پی تحولات سوریه و درگیری های داخلی در این کشور به خوبی نشان داد. محور اصلی این مقاله شناخت نگرانی های و علایق ژئوپلیتیکی ترکیه در سوریه است. از این رو با بهره گیری از رویکرد توصیفی تحلیلی و تکیه بر منابع کتابخانه ای در پی شناسایی و تحلیل نگرانی ها و علایق ژئوپلیتیکی ترکیه در سوریه از زمان شروع جنگ و بحران در این کشور در سال های 2011 تا 2020 هستیم. به دنبال پاسخ این پرسش هستیم که نگرانی ها و علایق ژئوپلیتیکی ترکیه در سوریه کدامند؟ یافته های کتابخانه ای و استنباطی که با استفاده از نرم افزار Spssو آزمونT-Test انجام دادیم نشان می دهد که علائق ژئوپلیتیکی ترکیه در سوریه عبارت از علایق سیاسی، ژئوکالچری، هیدروپلیتیکی و هیدروکربنی از جمله افزایش عمق راهبردی، رهبری جهان اسلام در منطقه، استفاده راهبردی از رود فرات و منابع نفتی است و نگرانی های ژئوپلیتیکی ترکیه در سوریه شامل نگرانی های ژئواستراتژیکی، سیاسی، امنیتی خودمختاری کردهای سوریه، نفوذ رقبای منطقه ای مانند ایران و وجود نیروهای تروریستی و تکفیری است.

Investigating Turkey's Geopolitical Interests and Concerns in Syria

Since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, the turkey had problems with this country over issues such as the political activities of the Kurds in PKK and how to divide the Euphrates water and Iskanderun province together. However, since 2011, turkey's foreign policy has become aggressive to the extent that it has provided logistical support as well as supported the establishment of a no-fly zone and military interventions in Syria, and in the last decade has become an active and influential actor in has become the region. Erdoğan government's uneven policies during this period have shown that Turkey has changed its positions many times to keep its interests in Syria stable. He considered the groups useful in achieving their goals in Syria, but it was not long before the extremist thought of a group like ISIS reached Turkey, which considers this country a tyranny, and Turkey's security environment faced insecurity. Besides these issues and solving these concerns, Turkey can also pursue its geopolitical interests. by showing strength in the field of Syrian conflicts, by trying to introduce itself as the superior power of the region, which is also present in NATO, and increase its strategic depth in the region, it can even reach the leadership of the modern Islamic world with the perspective of Latinism, like in the Ottoman era. On the way to achieving his goals in Syria, he can control the source of the Euphrates River and exert pressure on the Syrian government to force them to fulfill their wishes, and by turning this issue, he can go towards oil resources and oil fields and compensate for his lack of resources. Slow down and enter the field of oil geopolitics. Methodology The methodology of this research is descriptive-analytical, which has a fundamental nature. In this research, using library studies and field findings, an attempt has been made to investigate Turkey's geopolitical interests and concerns in Syria. In the library findings section, books, media, theses, articles, and internet resources have been used, and field findings have been obtained through a questionnaire (50 items) received from experts in the field of political geography, geopolitics, political science, and international relations. Whose results have been analyzed using Spss software and T-Test?   Findings According to the library and field findings that were obtained through the questionnaire and its analysis by the relevant statistical test, it was determined that the strategic position of Syria and its position in the strategic depth of Turkey are the most important in terms of Turkey's geopolitical interest in Syria and gaining power. The Turkish element and their autonomy, as well as the influence of regional powers such as Iran, create the most important geopolitical concern for Turkey in Syria. Analysis and conclusion According to the findings of the research, we come to the conclusion that after the justice and Development Party came to power, the theoretical background of the country's foreign policy was founded by Ahmet Davutoğlu with the name of strategic depth, and he believed that Turkey, due to its unique geographical location, its cultural and historical depth, as a result of the Ottoman Empire, should be the main country that injects the power and glory of the Ottoman period in a new form to Turkey, which has political and ideological alignment tendencies with the west. Even Islam should be introduced in a new form to the leadership of Turkey that is democratized and does not conflict with western politics. In order to achieve these goals, he must create a mental structure in the form of Ottomanism thinking in the countries that were once part of the Ottoman Empire and he wants to expand his influence in them. Creating a savior mindset from Turkey will help significantly in this country's rise to power in the region. This mentality shows that countries like Syria are like a toddler in Turkey's mind that has not yet been able to communicate with political independence and must face political and ideological salvation. Ideological depiction of Turkey through tools such as movies and series indicates that this government has taken steps to create this mentality. If we look at this country's support for the Muslim Brotherhood and the Akhrani regime in Syria, we will find that the desired behavior structure of Turkey was found in these groups, which is the wife of Turkey's interests. And the Kurdish minority in Turkey has been ignored and suppressed by the Turkish authorities for years, to the extent that they feel like second-class citizens, and now these pan-Kurdish and greater Kurdistan claims in Syria can create a unity that is more dangerous for Turkey than for countries that have a Kurdish population and this geopolitical concern can justify aggressive behavior and, of course, from Turkey's point of view, military defensive behavior in Syria. The danger of the Kurds is so great for Turkey that it uses a concern like terrorist-takfiri forces to face the Kurds, and defeat them because this autonomy is dangerous for the future goals of this country. According to the library and field findings that were obtained through the questionnaire and its analysis by the relevant statistical test, it was determined that the strategic position of Syria and its position in the strategic depth of Turkey are the most important in terms of Turkey's geopolitical interest in Syria and the empowerment of the Kurdish element and their autonomy and Also, the influence of regional powers like Iran creates the most important geopolitical concern for Turkey in Syria. Therefore, according to the research findings, we reach these results: After the establishment of the Justice and Development Party, Ahmad Davdaglu founded the theoretical framework of this country's foreign policy under the name of strategic depth. He believed that Turkey, due to its unique geographical location, and cultural and historical depth as a result of the Ottoman Empire, should be a major country that injects the power and glory of the Ottoman period in a new form into a Turkey that has political and ideological alignment tendencies with the West. Even Islam should be introduced to Turkish leadership in a new form that is democratized and does not conflict with Western politics. In order to achieve these goals, he must create a mental structure in the form of Ottomanism in the countries that were once part of the Ottoman Empire and he wants to expand his influence in them. Creating a savior mentality from Turkey will help significantly in this country's rise to power in the region. This mentality shows that countries like Syria in Turkey's mind are like a toddler who has not yet been able to communicate with political independence and must face political and ideological salvation. The ideological depiction of Turkey with tools such as films and series shows that this government has taken steps to create this mentality. If we look at this country's support for the Muslim Brotherhood and the Brotherhood order in Syria, we will find that the behavior structure desired by Turkey was found in these groups, which is in line with Turkey's interests.
